
Friday, November 16, 2012

Caged Philippine Tarsiers in Bohol Be Aware!

The tarsier is one of the Philippines great national treasures. Please let's help these Tarsiers to stay with us for a very long time. 
"The Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta or Carlito syrichta), known locally as the Maumag in Cebuano/Visayan and Mamag in Luzon, is an endangered species of tarsier endemic to the Philippines. It is found in the southeastern part of the archipelago, particularly in the islands of Bohol Island, Samar Island, Leyte Island and Mindanao. It is a member of the approximately 45 million year old family Tarsiidae, whose name is derived from its elongated "tarsus" or ankle bone.

Its geographic range also includes Maripipi Island, Siargao Island, Basilan Island and Dinagat Island. Tarsiers have also been reported in Sarangani, although they may be different subspecies.

It was only introduced to western biologists in the 18th century." - Wikipedia

Here's a link to an article about Tarsiers:

Please save us from great pain and misery. We live in hell for your viewing fee. Stay away! 

Please do not visit the caged tarsiers which are on display in various places in Bohol. These poor animals are kept in very poor conditions and bad environments, totally unnatural habitats for them. They are very highly stressed from the visitors. They are not very well taken care of. It's just sad. I've heard they often get injured and/or die. They are then replaced by newly captured tarsiers which are taken illegally. FYI: The Philippine Tarsier is an endangered species. It seems like nobody cares. I don't know what the politicians are doing. I don't know what the high authorities are doing. I don't know what the police are doing. They are not enforcing the law. This is so unfortunate. I hope they realize that the Tarsiers are feeding Boholanos. They should take very good care of this precious species.

When I was visiting one particular place where there are about 20 tarsiers and a tree sloth, I was horrified. I couldn't believe the place they were in. I couldn't help but cry to see these poor animals. I talked to one of the staffers and complained and protested. Then I asked the staffers who is doing this. They told me it's their Barangay Captain in town. I was shocked. Unbelievable! What a heartless and cruel person - not to mention corrupt! The Barangay Captain should be sued for animal cruelty and fired. Having this mini-zoo of caged tarsiers has nothing to do with governing. It's not related to the duties of a Barangay Captain.

By the way, the tarsiers were caged but they are not fully protected from the visitors. People can get very close to them and can touch them easily. They are being exploited. It was a horrible experience for me. I was expecting something nice and pleasant - something that could make us smile but it was dreadful. In fact the face of one of the tarsiers was covered in blood because some visitors use their flash when taking pictures even though there is a huge sign that says NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY. So when the flash hits their cute little helpless faces, the tarsiers get freaked out. They then start jumping everywhere and end up hurting themselves badly. Some of them, due to the severity of their injuries, attempt to finish themselves off. Meaning... kill themselves. I was told that by one of the staffers. I wish I had taken a photo of that messed up and blood-covered faced tarsier so that I could show it to you here. I just couldn't. It was too sad-looking. It was very bad.

Guess what? These animals are placed on potted plants. There was probably only a total of eight potted plants and that was it. Their cage and the eight potted plants are all they have. Can you believe that? Watch the video and you'll know what I'm talking about. There's a link below. This mini-zoo has small souvenir stores in the front. The place was just very depressing. If you are thinking about visiting a tarsier place, go to the Tarsier Sanctuary. And please do not make a lot of noises and don't use your friggin' flashes. Pardon my language. Sometimes people can be very, like, ahhhhhhhh! Oh yes, I'm mad! I really feel bad for these animals.

Here's the link for the Tarsier Sanctuary:

Here's a video that shows you the place where we visited caged Tarsiers. Here's the link: I don't like to watch the video. I can handle it but it has to be muted. 


suallinda wrote on Jun 6, '11
they are the real Gizmo, amazing animal!                                                                                                                             
eseltee wrote on Jun 7, '11
I saw this too when we visited Bohol in December, 2010. It was very depressing to hear the stories of self mutilation and suicide, and if I hadn't witnessed visitors using flash I wouldn't have believed it. Luckily, I know how to take a picture without using flash, but some people "accidentally" flash these tiny creatures.I asked the staff why do they let this happen and they shrug as if they don't understand English. I love the Philippines. I wish more Filipinos loved their own country...


1 comment:

  1. luv this animal, heres some more info if required
